A lot of questions that consumers face before making a purchase decision and for which they are dependent on external information. A very powerful factor is the daily food expenditure also from an economic point of view, as can be proven by figures on consumer spending and sales. This daily money exchange gives the consumer a very direct power by being able to consciously decide which brand or products to chose.
The problem I focused on was the decision making of the consumer and the power marketing and advertising still have to sell their products. I wanted to develop a fair and custom serve solution for transparent shopping.
I have worked extensively in theory on product information and its problems and criticisms. The topic is a very personal matter for consumers, as they make a purchase on it. These are topics such as your own health and those of the family. But also the keyword trust and dependence play a big role for the conscious consumer.
I developed a concept for a website that already supports the user at home on the computer or on the smartphone when writing the shopping list. For this purpose, the purchasing criteria of the user are set in advance. To different categories can be selected directly by the user what is important to him, or what to look for when buying.